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Monday, 18 May 2020

How to do dhanurasana yoga ?

 How to do dhanurasana yoga ?

Dhanurasana is a backbend that significantly opens the chest and the front of the body. The name begins from the Sanskrit dhanu, implying "bow," and asana, connoting "present." is an incredible back bowing yoga present for growing and recouping spinal quality and versatility. It strengthens the internal organs, especially the stomach related organs, in like manner ousting stoppage. It in like manner vivifies the adrenal organs and the keen tactile framework. This stance expands the chest and strengthens the lungs, making it a respectable stance for those with asthma and respiratory issues. Dhanurasana also braces the leg muscles, especially the upper thighs, facilitates firm shoulders and decreases plenitude weight around the stomach district. This stance is recommended for those with diabetes, incontinence and menstrual issue.

This asana animates the mind. Generally we have less recognition with the back body; this asana animates us mental courage and to move towards the darken. In the Epic Ramayana Lord Shiva had made an astoundingly strong bow and talented it to Rcika then to Sage Jamadagni then to Lord Parasrurama and a while later to King Janaka. The bow was considerable to the point that it required 300 men to pass on it.

Ruler Janaka's daughter was playing with a ball that fell into the holder where the bow was kept. Princess Sita lifted the bow single helpfully, and on watching this scene, King Janaka decided to give his young lady to a ruler who could break the bow.

The Sage Vishwamithra took Rama and Lakshmana to the illustrious home of King Janaka for a remarkable fire administration (yajna).The bow was appeared in the capacity. Ruler Janaka while depicting the chronicled background of the bow,   dhanurasana yoga ?made an offer saying that his daughter Princess Sita will be given in association with any person who could break the bow.

By and by, King Janaka said to Vishwamithra to call his young understudies to see the bow and to endeavor to string the bow and get his daughter's chance in marriage. A couple of rulers endeavored anyway shelled even to lift the bow. By then Sage Viswamithra hailed Lord Rama, and Rama used only one hand and broke the bow into two pieces. Everyone commended and blooms began from heaven.

Sita was strong and could lift the bow of Lord Shiva, yet the ruler would ought to be more grounded than her to break the bow. From this story the bow addresses quality and the ability to leave our standard scope of commonality to show up at the heights of our yoga practice. Ace Rama addresses our affirmation and Princess Sita addresses the gift of perfection when we put attempts into our preparation.

Steps for Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

1.       Lie on the ground (on stomach) standing up to downwards.
2.       Relax absolutely with 2-3 breaths.

3.       Inhale bit by bit and starts bowing your legs in converse and catch the lower legs with the hands as showed up in the above picture.
4.       You will see that your body right now resembles a bow.
5.       In this position, your whole weight will come on your mid-district. Simply your stomach and pelvic domain will contact the ground.
6.       Hold this circumstance for scarcely any 15-20 seconds and continue taking a full breath. You can extend the time in the wake of practicing this.
7.       Now after 15-20 seconds inhale out bit by bit and come back to starting position.
8.       Repeat this cycle for 4-5 times each day. dhanurasana yoga ?

1.       Effective in weight decrease.
2.       Improves assimilation and yearning.
3.       Helps to fix dyspepsia (heftiness), firmness and gastrointestinal issues.
4.       Cures obstructing.
5.       Improves blood course.
6.       Gives flexibility to the back.
7.       Strengthens back muscles.
8.       Improve the limit of liver, pancreas, little stomach related tract, and tremendous stomach related framework.
9.       Act as a weight reliever.
10.     Strengthens lower legs, thighs, groins, chest, and stomach organs.
11.     Cure ladylike cycle issue.
12.     Improve limit of kidney and liver.
13.     It improves present.

14.     Releases back misery.
15.     Cures respiratory issue like asthma.
16.     Helpful is stimulating regenerative organs.
17.     Improve limit of the pancreas and it is worthwhile in diabetes.

Do not practice Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) if you have:
·                     High or low heartbeat
·                     Hernia
·                     Neck injury
·                     Pain in the lower back
·                     Headache cerebral pain
·                     Recent stomach clinical method

Yoga practice develops the body and mind bringing a lot of clinical favorable circumstances yet is definitely not a substitute for medicine.


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